Tuesday, March 4, 2025

When the Kids Came to Play

A big shout-out to Melanie and Amy for their sharp eyes and ability to capture just some of the highlights of our Christmas gathering again this year. It’s a most treasured time of year for the LaCombs and McMahons that we all relish.

It wasn’t just Charlotte doing her best Justin Bieber impression or Brennan wishing for another surfing lesson. Those were just a couple of hints that this year’s visit wasn’t going to be like all the rest. Both families have been coming to Palm Springs to share the holiday season with Nana and Papa for well over eighteen years now. But this year would be different. The urchins have all grown up.

At twelve, fifteen and eighteen respectively, all five grandchildren have moved on into teen status and all of its accompanying edges, attributes, and qualities. They still love to play poker, help Nana with technology, and just lounge around. Yet it’s not like before.

The parents are more comfortable now heading off to wine country and leaving their kids with the ‘rents for a whole day. The kids didn’t notice they were gone with all the time they spent in the pool. They’re old enough to entertain themselves.

A new twist this year was the annual ‘Teddy Bear Toss’ at the hockey arena. All bears and stuffies going to local children’s health facilities.

Ancient Indian culture and folklore got the kid’s attention one morning, with a jigsaw puzzle that afternoon and playing ‘cake’ with headlights on the golf course at night. The next morning it was parent enforced crunch time before hours back in the pool.

One of the many advantages for hikers in the Coachella Valley are the number of mountain trails and other geographically challenging hikes. The Ladder Canyon Trail is considered one of the best hikes in Southern California. The hike weaves through the canyons in the Mecca Hills Wilderness, a rugged series of rock formations and slot canyons created by the San Andreas fault and thousands of years of erosion.

We also found time to celebrate Melanie’s birthday and Papa’s annual ‘staged reading’ play now accompanied by singing and Samantha’s great ukulele playing.

Few words are needed to explain the pride and appreciation Sharon and I feel to be able to provide these experiences for our kids and grandkids. We are very fortunate indeed.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family tradition.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. We are very lucky, indeed.

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